Choosing IUD and need help


Hey ladies, I'm not currently on bc and because of that, husband doesn't want to have sex because he is paranoid. A VERY long story short, I'm considering getting an IUD (jut need to call my insurance about prices and stuff). Anyways, I am really debating between mirena and paragard and I need some advice from those who have used them previously. I have had two children back to back already so having one won't be as bad as if I haven't had children before. My main concerns are that I typically don't do well on birth control. I've bled like crazy on white a few, have terrible mood swings (like psycho I-don't-even-know-who-I-am-anymore crazy) acne all over my body, weight gain, you name it. I was on the mini pill after my son and I really liked it! Until I got an ovarian cyst, thought I was pregnant and stopped and ended up actually getting pregnant. With the mirena being progesterone based like the mini pill I think I will like it a lot. I'm just also really hoping that when we do decide to have more children that I won't have too much difficulty conceiving after the iud is removed. What are your stories! Please help this desperate, sexless mama!!!

P.s. Yes...we have condoms, we are lazy and aren't as regular as we should be with them so we are wanting to be extra sure we don't conceive before we are ready on the chance of our human error.