Holy Guacamole! 😤😫

Olivia • 2017 🧒🏻

Venting about a damn name!! I am so very very very frustrated! I have been married for almost 2 years to my hubby and I STILL suck at writing my signature! I have practiced and practiced to no end and writing my *new* but not new last name is still absolutely hideous when I write it. Anyone else with this problem???? I was so excited to take his last name because I hate my maiden name, but it has become SUCH a friggen challenge to write it! Gah! Wife fail 🤦🏽‍♀️

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I'm not happy with mine either - 4 months from my 8th year anniversary, lol


Olivia • Aug 18, 2017
Damn lol. Well at least I know I'm not the only one!!