Pilonidal Cyst


Okay so I am 23 weeks pregnant, I have been dealing with this since before I got pregnant.

I had this cyst lanced for the first time because it had turned into an abscess and ate all the way down to the tip of my spine. I couldn't stand up straight, let alone walk or sit down and I was miserable. After the procedure, I felt okay. That weekend I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant. Fast forward to now, after having THREE more lancing procedures...it's coming back. I don't know what to do. I literally just had a 20 week's check up and I had it lanced that same week. Now three weeks later after being on two antibiotics, it's sore, red and puffed up again. What do I do? I am probably switching OBs because for one, I have to have multiple doctors and midwives. Not just one. NONE of them have helped me when they occurred. Ever. They always told me there was nothing they could do. Wouldn't even refer me to anyone. This is depressing. I don't want to have to keep being on medication and nothing helps. It literally just keeps coming back after each month. What would you do? The stress this is causing me is too much to bare. This pain is too much. I've soaked it. Put a hot compress on it. My cyst always gets infected quickly within a few days and has to he lanced Everytime. I'm so close to giving up. I have no insurance now because I am no longer employed. Waiting to hopefully be approved for Medicaid, this really sucks. :(