Just to clarify.


In America bfing (breast feeding) is just breast feeding. We don't literally shove our tits in people's faces. We don't actually squirt milk out at people (well, some do but its justified). We don't do a little jiggle or have our babies unlatch to attract attention. Yes, we get mad. Yes, we go on tangents. I don't know what its like everywhere else, but here women are shamed for doing what's natural. I don't see how our anger and frustration comes off as "in your face, loser" time, but whatever. Point is, we are made to feel ashamed (cover or no cover). We are made to feel like we should be hidden away in some dark corner of the building or a dirty bathroom stall to bf and pump. We are sick of it. We are tired. We are just trying to feed babies just like anyone else. And we are very civilized when feeding babies. 😉

Just putting this out there for those who misunderstand what our rants on here are really about. 👌🏻