About to blow up at OBs billing department


So my OBs office stated they didn't have my benefits verified for the first 4 OB visits when I was checking out. I asked them about my deposit, what I would have to pay. You know. The works.

Each visit. Literally each time I've gone in the response has been "nope you're good to go. We'll go over it at your next visit."

So just now at 28 weeks I get a phone call about my balance with them and get told my OB deposit is $1500. And it is due by my next appointment. And half was actually due at 16 weeks and I'm late. Excuse me...?

ALL prenantal services under my plan are covered at 100%. Annual deductible is $1,000 then 80/20.

They way she explained it is they collect the remaining of my deductible the 20% of the BILLED amount for delivery ($2,500).

I'm a financial counselor with a fertility clinic. So I know how to read a policy and know that they won't get the full billed amount. From all discussions with insurance, my responsibility should be just under $900. Has anyone had any luck negotiating their deposit with their OB?