I need some help.


I have been to the er on Monday seen my ob Tuesday and back to the er with bad cramping and a little clotting. little it was kinda stringy freaked me out I thought I was 7 weeks pregnant. the first er nurse last night came in said I 95% already lost my baby. And was discussing dnc with me. And I just knew it wasn't right. I asked to be checked and get another ultrasound. She checked me and my cervics was still closed they did an vaginal ultrasound and measured the baby 5w6days. I'm going to post the result I got off my lab result maybe you other mother's can help me understand. when I got discharged she said I was still pregnant put me on bed rest till Monday. I go for another ultrasound Tuesday she also gave me a prescription for prenatials. her 95% went to 50 50. which doesn't lay my mind to ease at all. she said she is very concerned for thjs pregnancy still . i have a call into my ob he is In surgry please someone help. And pray for me and my bean i already love her or him so much