HPV? Help??


Hi there. So, I went to a new gyn in January for my annual exam. I talked to her about my skin tag on my groin and she said she could take it off no worries. I went back a few weeks later to have my iud removed and she said she could snip off the skin tag. I got a voicemail saying my results were normal (they send all tissue to the lab). I just got on my patient portal to look at notes from my gp's visit. At the bottom, way after current issues it says "condylomata acuminatum in female biopsy proven". I call my gyn's office after google-ing and they act all "not sure why they said it was normal, when can you come in to talk to the doctor?" So, it turns out at some point in my life I got HPV that has turned into genital warts. I just found out, on accident! I've been with my husband for almost 5 years and I'm having a huge anxiety attack thinking about the conversation we have to have later. Anyone else have this? Any advice? I'm pretty prude and the idea of telling my husband one of us gave the other an std is vomit inducing. Help!