help, whats wrong with me?


Okay this is probably gonna be long but here it goes. so my boyfriend and i had unprotected sex (on birth control but I've been bad about taking regularly lately), which come to find out was while I was ovulating, At 6 or 7 dpo I started spotting, which doesnt ever happen for me so after 2 days of that I waited a few days then tested, knowing that it was early, so obviously the test came up negative. I sighed a huge sigh of relief and moved on. My period started sunday and ended monday night and most of the blood was brown the rest was pretty much blood clots. so of course I decided I couldn't be pregnant because I had a period. Yesterday and the day before I kept getting random nausea spells and yesterday I was really hot for a while (don't know if it was a fever because I had no thermometer) and I TMI but, pooped like 7 times. Today I started bleeding again, less than a week after my period ended. does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be going on?