Breaking up

My boyfriend wants to break up. He didn't say so but it's obvious. He never has the time for me any more, I'm nowhere near his priorities, or plans. I'm tired of always being the one to make plans and contact him. And I already know what he'll say "I can't" or "not tonight". The problem is I really love him and he is important to me. However the last thing I'd want to do is pressure him into being with me. So I'm just giving him space, in the meantime I'm having a hard time without him, I miss him and he's always on my mind. I stopped wearing the ring he gave me, it was a consiststant reminder of all our happy times, the times that are now in the past. I just love him and he dosen't really seem to care about anything about us. How do I move forward? I'm absolutely not ready to date anyone new.