Hmmmm 🤔 why can't I go without sex

So, me and my so have been going out for 2 years now. Over 2 years. And we have sex like everytime we are together, which lately is every day. Minus the weekends. As we have kids to other people etc. And I think I've just got that use to having sex with him allllll the time that I still want/expect it. He's got a lot more comfortable with me now where like, he can go without it for a night or two if like say he's too tired. But I can't. And this is how bad it is, the past 2 nights he's been very tired and when we have went to bed he's just wanted to go straight to sleep, and I end up lying there soooo paranoid that he is going off me or dosent want me anymore, and then I can't sleep and have to take myself off into another room. Why is this? Why can't I just be content with not having sex everynight lol.