i'm pregnant and don't know what to do.

i just found out i am pregnant yesterday. i had a miscarriage a year ago. i am only 16. i am so scared to have a baby right now, for a lot of reasons. i am a junior and had problems freshman and sophomore year with my anxiety the first year and then my pregnancy, miscarriage and post pardum. i only have 6 credits. my last pregnancy made me so sick i couldnt go to school, i was so sick all the time, slept 17 hours a day, i lost all appetite for food and didn't like anything. also, my family's financial situation is not good right. the father of the child and i have been together over 2 1/2 years and he is getting a job (he just quit his old one) but i know i will be too sick to have one. i just don't know if i can keep the baby or go through with the pregnancy. i feel like i have so much to do in life and i will miss out if i have this baby. my first pregnancy i was excited and blinded i guess i didn't feel this way at all. i am only about 5 weeks so i would want a abortion with pills if i went that route. i am so scared and stressed idk what to do. thank you 😞