Baby boy born !


It is finally my turn to tell my birth story !! Yesterday august 17th I had my membranes swept at my 39 week appointment, right after I started feeling crampy so me and my grandma walked around all day and went to dinner, I started feeling back pains. When I got home the pain started to get worse and consistent so I timed them and was unsure if I was in labor or not. It got to the point I knew I wasn't going to sleep through them so me and the hubby packed up and went to the hospital about 10 pm. When we got there we were only 2 1/2 cm dialated but the pain got soooo bad I was screaming every contraction. We finally got admitted at 2am and I got my epidural. As soon as I got my epidural I felt amazing and relaxed and by 5am I was at 8cm. At 8am my water broke and we started pushing. I pushed for 45 mins and he popped on out ! We had an 11 hour labor and I didn't feel a thing after I had my epidural. I am so in love with my baby boy born at 8:49am august 18th weighing 6lbs 14oz 20 1/2 in long