Over it ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜ญ (long rant post)

I'm over my due date by just a few days but my scheduled induction isn't for another week and a half.. meanwhile, every time i go on Facebook at least one more baby is being born by someone who has a due date right around mine. I feel like I got pregnant first and yet every one is having their babies before me. Also, a lot of my friends have been induced around 39 weeks for various reasons and mine is still so far away. I'm making no physical progress toward labor and I'm just kind of feeling hopeless at this point. Don't get me wrong, my baby and I are 100% thriving and healthy which I could not be more grateful for, I'm just so sick of waiting. I know the longer I wait, the more exciting it'll be because of the anticipation of like, wow it's finally happening, I'm just honestly sick of waiting. I just feel like my body isn't doing what it's supposed to as a woman and I'm getting worried. Also everyone keeps saying "baby will come when hes ready." Well why is he not ready? What is he waiting for? He's 100% healthy and developed and done cooking. I've already been out of work for 2 weeks with no baby so I'm just sitting around going crazy. I hate to sound like a brat or ungrateful or whatever but I'm just honestly getting sad and paranoid and anxious and with no support of my baby's father, I've just been really down lately and watching other people have their Babies is not making it easier. Sorry I just needed to rant. I know baby will come soon, I just don't wanna feel so hopeless anymore. ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜’