newly off of bc & ttc..


about close to 2 months ago I got my birth control removed, it was like a week later and I had my regular period come back straight away. the usual for me which is like the first week of the new month the 5th thru 11th or 12th sometimes.. so I was surprised go get it back that fast after my female Dr, said it could take 3 to 6 weeks to come back.. but anywho ♡ We've been TTC For a lil bit now, I'm talkimg like everyday sex several times a day and I am tracking my cycles and ovulation with <a href="">glow app</a> and clue app, which are a huge help !! I also bought about 3 ovulation tests and each have said I am ovulating and my <a href="">glow app</a> has told me I am. Well my period shouldn't be returning till the 5th of September. But today I went to pee this morning and im.bleeding quite a bit. I had spotting very very light the other day (3 days ago).. Which is during ovulation for me .. IS THIS NORMAL?? DOES IT MEAN ANYTHING?? Any Possibilities or ideas, or advice would be greatly appreciated. ♡♡ Thank You ♡♡♡♡♡