7week loss

Angelique • Ttc for 2years, 2 back to back miscarriages (March 2015 & July 2015), praying for our rainbow baby
So we had been going to a fertility doctor for a few months and just recently found out we were pregnant. We were so excited and had informed our parents and siblings. The first two scans went well and our second to last scan at 7weeks showed only a sac. Words cannot describe the feeling I had looking at the ultra scan and hearing the tech say I can't find anything in the sac. We were asked to come back after the weekend to see if I would naturally miscarry. I made the mistake of going online and getting false hope from stories of other mothers who were told their sac was empty to find a baby in it during their next scan. Unfortunately, our story did not have that happy ending. Monday our scan showed an empty sac that was starting to clot. I was given meds to help miscarry and pain pills. 
Who knew having a miscarriage so early in your pregnancy would be so painful emotionally and physically. We are hoping to get the green light as soon as possible to start ttc again. Trying to remain positive by keeping mind that we were even able to get pregnant in the first place which I wasn't sure of for a long time.