Aggressive dog around baby

I'll be living with my family after my baby's born and they have a lot of animals which worries me in general but one dog in particular. She used to fight with another dog we had for years until the other dog finally snapped back and the fight got really bad and it ended with the other dog dying from an infection due to her injuries. She picks on the other dogs and humps them and stuff (to show dominance I guess idk) but it's mostly harmless. Occasionally though she'll snap and growl at our cats without provocation. She's never been aggressive towards humans but it worries me how she's going to act towards the baby after she's born. I've tried to talk to my family about my concerns but they just brush it off and say I'm being silly. I know most of it is territorial and to show dominance among the other animals but will she see the baby as something to assert her dominance over and get aggressive? She's over 100lbs too so she's not a small dog. Should I be concerned?