Issues with Mother in law and expecting

So my SO and I just found out we're expecting. His mom has always been a burden from the start . She disliked me Before getting to know me down to the point she use to act nice to me in front of him and then when he walks off she would roll her eyes and tell me some uncomfortable mean things as if she wanted me to disrespect her so she could tell him to start conflict between us but I never gave her the satisfaction 🙄 He eventually told her if she couldn't accept me to forget about him and ever since she's been fake with me just to stay on his good side because he pays all her bills. The problem I'm having now is ever since she found out I'm expecting her calls have increased to at least 5x a day and will even call my mom looking for me . I have no problem with her but she's veryyyyy controlling and if you don't do what she says "I don't like her". She know I have been sick and will still ask me to ride her around alllll day to do senseless things (so inconsiderate) things my own mother won't ask me to do at the moment especially knowing the roller coaster this baby has me on. But if I don't answer she calls him to basically inform him that I'm ignoring her trying to start problems in my relationship.

Idk what to do at this point and he doesn't correct her. Has anyone gone through this ???

I'm worried about bringing my baby into this type of situation 🙄