Did you fall pregnant during your 'high risk' days, according to Glow/other calculator?

Im curious whether any of you have fallen pregnant during your most 'at risk' days stated by the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow App</a>/other calculator. As someone has said 'for obvious reasons' doesnt necessarily mean everyone will fall pregnant specifically on those dates. I'm just curious to find out if you have a child/pregnancy that was conceived on those dates, or was it perhaps wrong and your body was ovulating on another date? I have friends who swear by their dates, but other friends whose dates were off completely. For example, my 'high risk' day was the 10th August, if I had sex on that day, I could technically be pregnant. However, my body could have different most fertile days and I could, in fact, get pregnant on the 1st August instead - I know there is always a chance, but this is specifically aimed for those high risk days. I hope this clears up any confusion to my prior question.

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