Anyone else?

Cooper Ashley • Lorelai Aerith Ocean born October 13 2017 💝 identical twin girls born May 5 2021 at 35+6 💕

I was having sex with my boyfriend earlier and almost immediately after he put it in, it felt like there was a lot more wetness than normal. It didn't feel like a gush, but it felt watery. I thought nothing of it as it has happened before. The only difference is that when I went to pee afterwards (this girl doesn't need another UTI), my thighs were covered in pink discharge and I had a lot coming out of me. I've had spotting after sex before, but it usually took a couple days and it would only be if we were a little more rough. I'm just about 32 weeks so I don't know if I should worry or not. I'd rather not call my midwives as they usually make me feel like I'm overreacting.