He Is Here! My Happy but somewhat traumatic birth!


On the night of August 14th I woke up with contractions rolling from my upper belly to down below and in my back that I just could not sleep through. By 2 am they were 2 minutes apart and lasting 45 to 60 seconds each time. My 4 yr old son had been sick though and I couldn't wake him at 2 am just to have my husband take me to L&d; for the hundredth time with false labor. So I woke my husband told him what was going on and made the 1 hour trip to the hospital on my own. Once there we progressed quickly! By 7 am my husband had made it and we went from 1 1/2 cm dilated to 4 cm! We were admitted and by 11 am we were 8! They broke my water and by 12 it was time to push! When he was born I saw the umbilical cord around his neck. They quickly got it off but he was blue. His whole body and face were blue and he wasn't moving or crying. The whole room was quiet as the doctor worked quickly nevermind the fact that another midwife was there in training and the Dr had to quickly take over. I asked if my son was okay and no one answered. Again I asked and finally he made a small little squeal and started to pink up! Oh how I cried! He was perfect from that moment on! 7 lbs 10 ounces 20 1/2 in. long and born on his exact due

date August 15th.