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My baby is currently in the NICU and it has been stressful as hell. I am thankful to God that he is strong and healthy considering all that gapped... I was 34 wks 6 days got rear ended and went in for observation but he had other plans. I think I started shedding my mucus plug that Friday but they told me not to come in. On Sunday I was very uncomfortable and kept fidgeting in every seat I was in. So Sunday I went out for ice cream with my bestie and leaving her house I got into the accident. They checked my I was 3 and having contractions every 4 minutes they tried stopping the contractions with medication which worked but I was already making change as they call it. Bedside ultrasound confirmed that he was ready to come out I was a planned c section so they had to give steroids and antibiotics because they didn't have time to wait for group b strep which actually came back positive 2 days later. When my son arrived in this work he was turning blue with the cord wrapped around his neck which was not seen on the ultrasound. He only needed oxygen for about an hour and he has been breathing on his own ever since. I jus thank God that my baby is ok. God had been so good to me and my baby. I lost my son in November at 21 wks 3 days to a blood clot disorder unknown to us at the time. Got pregnant 8 weeks later Had to be on blood thinners counseling and antidepressants the whole pregnancy and then got diagnosed with gestational diabetes that the insulin could not seem to control but when I say God is good. Some nights I thought I was going to lose my mind. Didn't mean to rant but I'm discouraged because they had to put him back in the incubator Friday night and he hasn't gained enough weight to try to put him back in an open crib which he needs to b n for at least 24 hrs before they can send him home. They started adding fortified supplements to the milk I bring for him so hopefully this helps. Please pray for my baby because I am getting discouraged and I haven't been resting because I pump every 3 hours and still try to do 3 feedings each day which has me out the house for 10 hours but it's only a total of 3 hours of direct contact with my son and it's very hard