heartbroken .. 💔

Sorry for the long post.. I've been married to my husband for two years.. we have a 11 month old and I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant with baby #2 (not planned). I guess I'm just looking for some advice since I'm about to become a single mom of two.. tonight we had a big fight and I told that I was done and I kicked him out of my apartment (I live in a government apartment because not even a place for us could he provide) I had everything bottled up inside of me for a long time and I couldn't take it anymore .. first of all he's a truck driver so he makes good money but he spends it all on stupid stuff he don't need.. He's a pot head so he buys alot of weed and he likes to drink too.. but he can't provide me and his kids a home to live.. he was staying with me but I kicked him out tonight.. he smokes in my apartment and even after I tell him no he does it he don't think about our son.. he also makes me feel so ugly and unwanted I always have to beg for his attention or affection it's been months since he's touched me but he could watch porn and watch other girls it hurts me so bad to know he rather look at porn than have sex with me. He knows how it makes me feel cause we have fought about porn alot and he's promised to stop but he never does .. I've gained alot of weight with both my pregnancies so it's made me have very low self esteem.. It's like he isn't attractive too me anymore.. he says he loves me but if he did he wouldn't treat me this way.. I've given him his children I've sacrifice my body and he treats me this way.. I'm so heartbroken I'm crying my eyes out while typing this.. Cause I do love him.. how will I get over this? How will I do it all alone with two babies? I'm feeling so much anxiety right now too I actually thought he loved me but now I know he don't .. 💔