WARNING VAGINA SHOTS! Anyone else have a baby born in the caul?

Pen • 8/17 🌈👧🏼 | 11/19 🌈👦🏼| 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

My baby was born on Saturday in her bag of water which only broke over her once her shoulders were pushed out. I feel really fortunate actually that the water didn't break during labor since I hear it gets even more intense and also I had a homebirth and really did not want to be "on the clock" (I actually was laboring for 42 hours).

I'm curious how many of you have had this happen!

I have pictures of her coming out in the sac if anyone wants to see!

Edit to add the photos, we went from crowning to born really fast so these are vagina shots lol but you can see the whitish bag of water around her head as she comes out here.

Also baby was born at home over my toilet lol so that's what's up here. 😂