Scare at the ER


I am 17w2d with baby 2. I was in the ER last night. The tl;dr is the doctor believes I'm OK and baby is ok.

I woke up at 1 am extremely uncomfortable. I went to turn over thinking it was my sleeping position and then it turned into pain that felt like a back spasm but really sharp. It was in my mid to lower back and my abdomen. I thought I was going into early labor but it didn't feel like contractions and it wouldn't subside and come back in waves it was just constant pain. I told Jeff to find my midwives binder and call the nurses line and get me some water. After about 10 minutes Jeff couldn't find the binder and so I made the decision that it was safest to go to the ER. It was such intense pain in that localized area. I literally could not stand up straight or even stay in any position. It was one of those things where I had to keep moving to try and find some comfort but it was not happening. At the ER they it took them a couple minutes to get in a room and then it felt like forever before the Dr got there. I finally saw the dr at 230 and he ordered me some morphine and an IV. So at like 245 I got that which made me nauseous but also helped a ton!!! The dr also did an ultrasound of my organs thinking it was something to do with my liver,gallbladder, kidneys, or appendix but when he came back he said everything looked normal and it looked like the morphine had helped tremendously because I looked more normal too. They think it must have been gas pains but aren't for sure so they want need to take it easy today and come back in immediately if it comes back after the morphine wears off. They did check babies heart beat and S/he is fine (thank God). Ugh I was so scared. When they wheeled me back my husband was about to leave to drop off our son (who is 2) and he started crying which immediately made me cry. The whole thing was so scary.