Didn't anyone else's levels do this when you were miscarrying? This doesn't mean it's ectopic does it? I'm nervous


I found out last week that i was miscarrying and I was 5 weeks. My levels last Tuesday were HCg 510 and progesterone 25. Then on Thursday my levels were Hcg 410 progesterone 11 and today my hcg level went up to 438 and progesterone still dropping at a 9.9. I still haven't had any bleeding and she said she expects me to start bleeding really soon with how low low my progesterone is dropping. Does this mean an ectopic since my level went up to 438 when it was 410 last Thursday? I really hope not /: my specialist didn't say anything about it being. I'm going on Friday again to have my levels drawn. I haven't had any pain or anything