How long should I wait??

Jeniah • 31yo; Married to my favorite weirdo💍 7/24/16; TTC baby 👶🏽 #1; fresh ivf cycle #1 miscarriage; FET 10/2/17 BFP 10/9/17 🌈👶🏽🤰🏽 June 2018.

Hello friends 👋🏽

So I'm running low on patience and would like some advice. I went through my first <a href="">ivf</a> cycle and transfer in May-June. Unfortunately, that ended in a miscarriage at 6.5 weeks on 7/10. My beta was confirmed as completely negative on 8/2 and was told that AF should arrive within the next two weeks and things can start moving. Wednesday will be three weeks and she is nowhere in sight. I have PCOS and my cycles are extremely irregular so whenever she's on her way I always know because I have certain telltale signs. I have not felt any of those signs. Anyhow, I spoke with my nurse last week and she said to give it through this past weekend(because after a miscarriage my body will recognize that I'm no longer pregnant and will cause my cycle to start) and email her today if nothing still and I can schedule an appointment for blood work and an ultrasound. I love and trust my team at the fertility clinic and I don't want to seem pushy or that I'm doubting their expertise or like I'm rushing because I just want a baby(although, that's a BIG part of it too lol). The reason I'm so nervous is because my insurance has paid everything so far, since I met my out of pocket max before I even started stims, and because they are paying I have to get an authorization from them every time the current one expires. In the fertility world we all know how long it could take to have one test done. So I'm really nervous about sitting and waiting for AF to arrive when my gut is telling me she's not coming without taking provera and I'll look up and it will be the new year and all my insurance benefits will start over. I hope this all makes sense and if any of you ladies have any experience or advice on this, please feel free to share it with me.

Thanks lovelies ❤️