Finally feeling secure in a healthy relationship again


Hi, I just had to make a post about this because I'm really happy right now

So I was in an emotionally manipulative relationship for 2 years. I finally ended it with my ex girlfriend back in October, but the insecurities I've built up from it have really stuck with me. Since then, I got a boyfriend and I've been with him for 8 months now.

He's a real sweetie and he treats me well, but it's his first relationship so there's a lot of stuff that he's not used to. He's not comfortable with PDA and he is way less clingy than anyone I've ever dated before.

So sometimes I've just gotten the feeling that maybe I'm more invested in this relationship than he is. We'd never had an actual "what are we?" conversation up until this point and I was kind of freaking myself out thinking that maybe he doesn't see this going anywhere and I'm just some girl he has sex with sometimes.

But last night I just went for it and talked to him about it. We talked for a while and I'm really glad I did because it cleared up a whole lot of self doubt that I was making myself sick over. I voiced some of my concerns and I realized it was all in my head.

He loves me and he wants to spend time with me and I mean a lot to him.

I know every time someone comes to me for relationship advice, the one thing I always say is to communicate with your partner. It's really hard sometimes but wow, once you've actually talked about what's bothering you, it usually feels really silly.

There wasn't really much of a point to this post, I was just really happy that I finally talked to my boyfriend about what was bothering me and he was able to make me feel a whole lot better. 😌