Ladies.. please, please, please stop taking your tests apart

Jennifer • Married to my best friend 💕 Chemical engineer 👩‍🔬 SMD 12/11/2019 , expecting #2 January 2021

I know it's tempting when you think you see a VVVFL and you get the urge to take it apart to get a better look, but here's the real deal! When the test is in a cassette it's lined up perfectly for viewing, when you take it apart to get that better look, you're ALWAYS going to see a second line! Why is that?? Because when the test is finished, all of the dye pools at the bottom of the cassette, that is the VVVFL you are seeing, and guess what, 99% of the time it's negative. If you have to squint so hard or have the urge to pull it apart, consider it negative and test again in the morning or in two days. The dye pool is why everyone is telling you it's invalid. If you MUST see a naked strip purchase some if the single strip cheapies off Amazon. Then, if you have questions about VVVFL, ask us!! 🙂🙂 This is just an informative post, and isn't meant to be rude, just to help you out. So when someone tells you your test is invalid we aren't being curmudgeons, or trying to be rude.