The endless nausea and fatigue


I'm currently 8-9 weeks pregnant. My first ultrasound is not until Aug 25th. Ever since I found out (dpo13) I've been really tired and exhausted. Then the nausea hit about a week and a half ago. It's constant.. 24/7.

I wish I had the energy to work out and wish I had the appetite to eat healthy. I feel like I'm gaining weight already.. and it's only the beginning! My wedding is next month and I hope I don't look like 10lbs sack of potatoes in a 5lbs bag!

I do work very long hours and I'm constantly on my feet (warehouse Sup). When I see my doctor, hopefully I can get a doctors note to reduce my hours to 40 a week.

I feel guilty for not exercising and eating bad. This is my rainbow baby and I only want the best for both of us. Im hoping my nausea doesn't stay the entire time.