Looking for Advice...

So... im not married like most of the people in this group... in fact im only 17 but im looking for a more adult perspective on my relationship....(no offense to the teens i just wanted to hear from this section instead)... Ive been with my boyfriend for 7 months... we are in a committed, monogomous relationship and love each other very much... in our past weve both been hurt by other people... but certain people say were to young or inexperienced to consider marriage or a future together even though we have... hes sweet, caring, compassionate, and wonderful... yes he is 7 months younger than me... but oh well... both of us cant drive yet .... ( im working on it..) and my friends are all growing up and getting their lives together and i feel like im slow because im just not quite there yet.. people around me are getting married, having babies and im over here like... "well... we like netflix and doritos" i feel like a bad girlfriend though... he says im doing a wonderful job, that hes the happiest man in the world and said none of my other gfs ever gave me breakfast in bed... but i kinda burnt the esges but at least i tried even if i still feel bad..were saving our virginities till marriage... because we feel itll be more special.. but our friends pressure us a bit... its unsettling... and we dont like it..Also hes considering the air force... but i.dont wanna live an hour from the base or have to move... im happy where i am.. and im scared he will get hurt. I really care about him... so in all the stuff im asking advice on here... is their a chance for us to make it? can someone tell me anything u know about what im going through... please? Edit: i think maybe im a bit misunderstood here... by marriage i didnt exactly mean right now... i mean maybe in a few years... (shouldve specified that... but anyways thank you all for your advice! :)