My mother knowingly invited a rapist into the house

Chloe • 22, Bisexual, Taken, Proud Cat Mom 😸💜 NOT TTC

To start off, I am 22. I know I am an adult living in my parents house. I had my own place and due to circumstances am temporarily staying at my parents, paying entirely for myself and paying rent.

Here is my problem. My mother has invited a family friend who has struggled with drugs, alcohol, and abuse all her life, and her boyfriend who is a stranger to me to live in our home along with her child from a previous relationship as well as her newborn baby from the boyfriend.

This woman has lived here previously to get off drugs and better herself when she had just given birth to her previous child.

Now that she was pregnant (for the 6th time) with this newborn baby in this new relationship my mother wanted to take her in again to help as well as her boyfriend.

Well I just found out today that my mother has been hiding from me as well as my sisters that the boyfriend is a convicted rapist. When I confronted her she told me she didn't want to tell me because she knew I would "Blow it out of proportion". RAPE. ME BEING UNCOMFORTABLE LIVING WITH A CONVICTED RAPIST IS OVERREACTING.

My mother knows that I have been sexually abused before and she has too. Am I over reacting?! Or is this acceptable since it's her home

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