Society promoting ideas of malicious children


Poll question: Do you feel like our society promotes the idea that children and/or babies can be malicious?

Common examples include people giving children personality traits they are unable to genuinely have yet, "this baby is so stubborn, I'm 41 weeks and she refuses to come out yet!" "Your 3 week old is sleeping through the night?? What a good baby!"

Fetuses can't be stubborn- there are physiologic reasons why a 41 week fetus isn't born yet. Babies can't be "good" or "bad", if your infant doesn't sleep through the night it's because they have a biological need that has to be addressed, not because they're "bad".

How can we change our language to place less blame on children for biological occurrences? Do you think babies and children can understand this blame and carry it as baggage into their childhood and adulthood? Or do you think it's not necessary to be intentional with our language when regarding children?

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