My MIL is irritating**RANT**

So, me and my boyfriend have been together for 2.5 years. I love him so much and would do anything for him, EXCEPT deal with his mother for the rest of my life. Lets start off by saying, she's almost 50 years old, and has 3 kids. She's been married and divorced multiple times essentially because she is jealous. She has that mindset where a few people have fucked her over so now the whole world owes her something. We don't even take her out to eat because she is rude to the waitstaff. I don't invite her to my family gatherings because she has snotty remarks to everything. Whenever my boyfriend doesn't want to go somewhere with her(the grocery store, or just driving uptown) she will throw a huge fit, threaten to kill herself, and make everybody attend her poor little pity party. I've never met a woman so selfish or PSYCHO. She hits her children (they're 22, 20, and 17). But then claims she is the only one walking in the path of the lord. (Note she got pregnant at 17, moved in with the father, has been divorced multiple times, etc). She constantly makes comments about me and him getting married or having kids, oh what is poor mommy gonna do when her baby leaves her house. She constantly begs him not to leave her and to live with her. As of right now, He's not "allowed" to attend the college of his dreams because it is THIRTY MILES AWAY and that's too far for her. Sometimes she can be so nice, you wouldn't even think she was her. But then the next day she cusses you out for not texting her RIGHT AWAY when she gets off work, and she had to go ALL 5 hours without hearing from you. Obviously she has mental issues, but she is just OVER dramatic. She is on meds for this also but refuses to take them. I really can't wait until one of her kids put her in a nursing home!!!!