Extremely intense dreams that I wish I could show you

I posted last night about the survivor tree that survived the World Trade Center attacks in 2001 and how neat I thought that tree was for living through it and re-growing it's branches. Look into that, I loved it.

Shortly after I went to sleep. And of course, i dreamed about what i was watching and talking about before I went to sleep. Which happens often. I could watch funny cat videos and dream about funny cats 🤷‍♀️

But it had a cool/not so cool twist regarding the plot of the whole thing. my brain is an interesting place in my sleep, and I've posted dreams before like last year and I got quite a few comments from really interested people and I felt like this might be interesting too. My dreams are extremely vivid and detailed. And I can think logically in them, I can choose what happens. I am self aware and aware that I'm dreaming and the dream can still play out as it naturally would. it's weird. I'm considering sleep studies to figure out why I can do this. I am young, these events in real life happened when I was like, 3.

So anyways, I go to sleep. The next I know, I smack down butt first like a toddler at-lo and behold, a trip back in time to New York on 9/11/2001.

I had to take a moment to register where the hell I was and I just sat there like "wot?" I see that I'm in a city.

And people were yelling and running and someone kicked me in the back, looked back and said "sorry, run"

And I turn to see what he's running from and of course, it was the towers.

I take a moment to see everything. The ground I was on, it was wet. I walk up to the towers because in my dreams I'm hella aware they are dreams and don't feel fear. And a cop was pushing me, telling me to get the hell away. And I was like "no leave me alone damn"

And ran around because I knew he wouldn't follow-my dreams-my rules.

Of course my mind would only have the ability to create these memories from videos I have watched. But I watched the first tower fall ontop of everyone. Again, the running. Shoving, yelling. People were being really rough with me. Someone's bag cut my forehead. I look up and part of the building is falling and going to hit me and I chose for it not to. And then nothing but darkness. And I'm feeling all these emotions. I can't believe where I am and after the dust cloud settles i lean down and touch the ground with my hand, taking it in. Feeling sorrow, and gratefulness that my mind could create this. The vividness, it was unreal. Everything was massive. And i was watching all of it, even the darkness felt overwhelming. I see a firefighter Walk up to me out of the darkness and motion 👌🏻 to me and stick his oxygen to my face so I can breathe. I let him even though I can breathe anyways, because it's not real. He helps me get up, and he walks off. And goes to help take care of a firefighter that had been hurt by being crushed by what fell. There's paper everywhere, and where you could hear constant screaming that got more intense as the towers fell, There was nothing but silence. And after that everything fades to white and there's trees. Of course there's trees, this started because of a tree. And I felt peace. I woke up, had breakfast and felt thankful for my life as weird as that sounds. Not that I wasn't before, but after that dream I was really thankful. I am thankful for the ability my mind has to create dreams like this, and I wish i could have them every night. Sometimes I don't even have dreams and that can last months. I'm not thankful for dreaming about horrible events, but to feel like I'm entering into a historical event foot first. Well in this dream butt first. But It's not something everyone has. That's the best way I can explain.