Evelyn rose


About 9pm on aug 1 (my birthday) I started having weird like shocking pains in my legs. I thought it was just the baby pushing on a nerve, and boy was I wrong! I woke up about 2:00am with severe pains in my legs and then it hit my back. It felt like my back was about to break (back labor) so I woke my fiancé up and he got my parents up to come in and check on me being a first time mom and all. The back labor got so intense I told my dad to call a ambulance cause I wasn't about to make it in the car. We got loaded up and finally got to the hospital and the nurse checked me and said I was at a 9 so they got everything set up and I started to push with no pain medical ilcation and about 30 mins later in aug 2nd (her actual due date)

my beautiful Evelyn rose was born! 6lbs 8oz 19 1/2 inches long!