My IVF testimony


SO and I have been trying to conceive for over 5 years. We finally found out my tubes were blocked and <a href="">ivf</a> was our only option. Went through the process July/ August 2017. Transferred a 5 day blast. Did hpt 2 day after due to my husbands eagerness both knowing the result BFN! Trigger shot hcg now ruled out. Did not get BFP until 9dp5dt was faint, continued for another 3 days it remained faint but a lil brighter than the first. My first beta 11 dpt was 18 two days later which is today it went to 12. I was told to stop my crinone and estroidol and return to test on Monday to make sure my hcg level goes down to 0.

Now I am hurting badly, but I am taking the time to write this to anyone who may be in the same situation or wondering what might be. The only thing you can do is wait on ur beta, pray and pray some more. I prayed and prayed and begged God for this but it was just not my time. Am I bitter? No because I have known him long enough to know that his time is he best time. He has given me so many victories even when I though I lost them, not on my time but his time. To God be the glory great things he has done! Hang in there all my infertility friends, it's a painful emotional wreck of a journey that will be worth it in the end.

All the best to us all!