Should I go through with this...?

I know that there are women out and about ttc, and have also had miscarriages and such. Please don't think of me as being ungrateful. I am blessed to have a wonderful family.

My boyfriend and I decided that if we got pregnant, we would push on because we want to start a family together. However, my mother did have the usual "we need to sit and talk to make sure you understand." I was completely ok with it since we would all be together, and I could interject into the conversation if needed.

I felt that though the conversation didn't go as planned and there were things that didn't need to be said on my moms part, it still went ok. He, however, felt that it went awful, and she didn't need to threaten him. Now, he wants nothing to do with my family, and is willing to put our relationship on the line. He asked me today if I went to my ultrasound for my 8 wks, and I said yes. His response was "I knew you would go through with it."

I'm full of doubt because I wanted this great, loving relationship with this man and our own little family, and now he doesn't seem to want it. It gives me doubts because I haven't finished college just yet, and I live with mom because I don't have to pay rent.

Can someone please point me in a direction?? Any direction!! I'm so stressed out.

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