Finally time!


So my wife and I decided it was time to start trying. This is our first attempt with an at home insemination. According to glow and another app I was supposed to ovulate last weekend. Just to be safe I also bought test strips. When you're in our situation you can never be too safe! Well, I didn't ovulate at all last weekend and I started to get nervous, I mean we only had one chance. So far this week I've been continually getting negative ovulation strips. Coming home from a rough day at work, I did my normal routine pee on a stick. I left the room and came back, otherwise I stare at it, and sure enough it was a positive ovulation. Just when I had lost all hope and thought I missed ovulation this month, it was there! I know you're supposed to wait 24 hours after a positive, however we are on a time limit with our sperm holder container. We took the chance and did it tonight. After shooting some mans sperm inside we took the speculum out and it felt like it all just came right back out! I'm afraid we screwed up and missed our chance. :( After waiting so long for this I hope we didn't ruin our chances.

Anyone else have any at home experience with insemination?!

I would love some insight.