Need to Vent!

Lauren 💙💜
I have a friend that in life always needed to be first to do everything. First to get a new car, first to get engaged, first to buy a house, and first to get married.  I never cared because I do things at my own pace. Well shockling I am the first to get pregnant out of our close friends.  She seemed sorta happy , but I could tell she was a little bothered.  Last night she sends me a picture that she is pregnant! I am of course happy, but I was going to be telling our other best friend next week that I am pregnant. I am only 7 weeks but I have known for 4 weeks! So I have waited to tell her, and my friend said oh I am telling her too! I just feel like she is stealing my thunder! I know it sounds petty but I am annoyed! Maybe pregnancy hormones?