Could you be with someone who's career wasn't something you support?


For example: my husband is in the mining industry and will be graduating as a mining engineer very soon. His entire family, and much of my own is/was in the mining industry, and he knew when we got together in high school that he wanted to go into it himself. I didn't care then, but as we've gotten a little older I care more about the environment so I'm not a huge fan of his career choice, but I would never try to get him out of it. That may be hypocritical of me, but I can't dictate his life choices anymore than he can mine. Our disagreements over it don't affect our marriage or anything in any way, we just agree to disagree and go on. I do find minerals and such interesting so we connect over that.

Could you be with someone (married or not) that was in a career that you didn't support?

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