Heavy bleeding/ cramping after D&E. Maybe TMI...

I elected to have a D&E on Easter Sun. for a MMC @10w2d... Had only spotting for 2 days after but starting last night HEAVY bleeding and cramping. This morning, taking a shower was...horrific. Huge golf ball sized clots. I was bleeding so much I started to feel dizzy and nauseated. My husband took me to the Dr. & I'm now on pill 2 of 3 of cytotec. Bleedding is finally slowing down... this is just not what I expected after D&E 😔 I'm not at all saying this to scare anyone, I just wonder if this has happened to anyone else? I had a subchorionic hematoma with the pregnancy, don't know it all this could be related. It's just an awful feeling, cause I was expecting somehow to feel "done" with some of the physical symptoms after the surgery, but no...