I really need help😢

Justice • son born 12-9-16👦 missed miscarriage 7-12-17 at 10 weeks👼 blighted ovum 2-5-18👼baby girl born 11-25-18👧

so I have 18 days to get 467 dollars. a remaining balance on a collections account. I have to pay it in full or I go to court ( i already got served, but they will drop the case if i lay in full) and have to pay their attorney fees etc. on top of the 467. I only have $1.97 in my checking account. I'm so broke I can't even get milk. I'm trying to sell everything I can to try to pay this. I've even resorted to try and sell some of my son's toys on top of my clothes, couch, basically anything I can. no one in my family can help me. neither can my husband's family. does anyone know where I can turn for help? or anything else i can do to get money fast? I'm really desperate