Mil saying my babies will die!


This bitch has lost it now. She's always hated me but talking about two innocent babies dying??? Ok some background: I'm 10 weeks pregnant, husband and I just found out it's twins and my husband's mother has decided that it's time to go fully insane. First she said the babies aren't my husband's because twins don't run in her family. They're fraternal twins which means I ovulated twice. Nothing to do with my husband's family history but she doesn't believe that. She texted my husband last night trying to convince him that our twins are going to die. Who tf does that???? She's so confused about rh negative blood types and thinks that I'm going to have a miscarriage because my blood type is A-. This is my THIRD PREGNANCY. I've had two babies already and I am fully aware of the risks of a negative mother and positive father. My husband isn't sure what his blood type is so I've gotten the Rhogam shot with both pregnancies to prevent my body from making antibodies that would attack my baby and cause a miscarriage if for some reason our blood mixed (like a terrible car crash that caused internal bleeding). Point is, we've been through this before, talked to my doctor and we've taken proper precautions. Mil just cannot accept the fact that we know what we're  doing and that everything is 100% fine and healthy with me and the babes. She's convinced they are going to die and it'll be my fault. Meanwhile her daughter smoked her entire pregnancy, even the day she gave birth! Now her 1 month old is having seizures, breathing problems and bad reflux. She wouldn't listen to me when I told her the risks and Mil rolled her eyes at me when I brought it up saying she was fine and God would protect her. Whatever! Now Mil is making up for lost time pretending to be so concerned for my health. I've told my husband I don't want her around these babies and he agrees. So when she comes around all sweet and mild mannered wanting to see her grandchildren she's in for a rude awakening. You don't say such terrible things about your granchildren and call me a bitch and still get to be grandma. Sorry, but you're officially out of the picture you toxic, evil woman.