Tired of TTC



My husband and I have been TTC for about 4 months now with no luck...I understand it takes some couples longer but I'm tired of it. Today I am ovulating (got my smiley on the clear blue this morning) and I told my husband we had to try tonight and he said he was "too tired"...I got a little upset so he said we could try, so after starting to BD he couldn't finish...I kid you not, I almost started crying and I still feel like I could cry now. He said we could try again tomorrow but I know it will probably be too late 😞 I'm just so frustrated because I travel A LOT for work (I'm gone M-F of almost every week...at least 3 of 4 weeks a month) and I have no control over when I am gone so even though I try to not travel around ovulation, that's not always an option. I'm 29 and we are trying for our first but I would like multiple children, so I can't help but feel the pressure. I know it will happen when it's meant to happen, but I don't want to hear that right now...right now I just want to cry 😭

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I know exactly how you feel. We just got engaged and decided to TTC before a wedding since I'm 34 and don't want to keep pushing it back. We've been TTC for 4 months as well and my fiance already says "it takes the fun out of sex" or is too busy with work. We just moved and I had to quit my teaching job, with no luck getting a new one this school year. I sit at home, alone, planning my sister's baby shower (she was not TTC and is 5 years younger than me 😔.) 2 of my cousins just announced they're pregnant again. My fiance is now out of town for work during my entire fertile window. I dread the holidays coming up as my family loves to ask questions. Lots of crying over here. Even harder reading the stories of people TTC for years.


Ly • Aug 25, 2017
Can't help but**


Ly • Aug 25, 2017
I hope it happens for us both but I can help but worry about trying for years too 😞...my in laws have already asked multiple times about when we're going to get pregnant and I always reply by saying "well we are trying but obviously it isn't working"...you'd think after me saying this multiple times they'd learn to stop asking...it used to not bother me too much but let's face it, it's just rude. 😞


Posted at
I like to imagine the future... and it keeps getting pushed back. First I was going to get pregnant and start an early mat leave right after Christmas and spend lots of time with family... nope. Then I imagined being pregnant this summer and having a baby old enough to go on planes next summer and travel to see family... nope. Now I'm hoping we get pregnant in the next month or two so we can make an announcement at Christmas... it's hard not to dream...


Posted at
OMG!!! Yes! Thank you! Im so tired of ttc. We have been ttc baby 1 for 11 months now. Last night we fought because i was upset that we likely wont see each other for most of my fertile window and he just didnt react. I needed to know he cared and that it bothered him too. Im over here taking temperatures and tests so of course its more on my mind and has been stressing me. And I get it, it can take some fun out of sex. And omg so frustrating if he cant finish. But really, you have one job! We have decided that we are going to alternate between romantic and sexy BDing to keep things interesting. Its a struggle for me at times as well. I want a baby so bad but I am truly debating just giving up. Where did my happiness go?😔


Posted at
for me it was definitely harder in the beginning when we started TTC. my DH said the same things and it seemed like we were having sex less. men are just weird and I think although they want a baby they don't want to only think about that during sex. I finally got pissed a few months in and told him I didn't want to try anymore if he want 100% on board with it. I was the one taking ovulation tests everyday, eating better taking vitamins, cutting out caffeine and alcohol and all he needed to was have sex with me at the right times. well he got on board quick and although we are still trying for what seems like forever. We haven't had any issues since then and we hit the right days every month with no issues. I think they just need a nudge in the beginning to understanding that you both are ttc not just the women.


Melissa • Aug 28, 2017
My DH takes vitamins daily and eats so much better now too. We just both do our best to have the best chance every month. That's all we can do at this point,and lay off Google you will drive urself crazy like I did...lol


Me • Aug 28, 2017
Yes... I've been taking all these supplements and researching (probably too much), as well as opk's... and I had to convince him for a couple of months to take a multivitamin and eat better 🙄