Really need a friend

Lizbet • I’m 22 year old First time mom Cancer survivor Birthday November 7

Yesterday I went to the doctor and they told I can have heart problems and that my heart have to work hard to keep beating and future blood clots and my boyfriend was there and he sounded like he didn't care, I guess it was true. I call him a few minutes ago and I told him I'm freaking out about it and you what he tell me. You knew what I was getting myself into. That he can't do nothing about it. The only thing he can do is cheer me up but he not going to do that cause that he just going to waste his breath 😢😢 I hung up the call and now I'm crying. I don't know why he always wants me back and I'm the stupid one for going back and I only cal him cause my heart is really work hard to keep beating and that why I freaking out. He told me I can him my problems and this my fucking respond