Unhealthy relationship


I need help with knowing whether I have problems.

I'm in a relationship of over a year, it's my first long term boyfriend & we've had our fair share of arguments. He got a new job which makes him busy & tired & I try to give him space but sometimes I just want 5 minutes of his attention. He calls me every night so we barely text anymore & for me it's been difficult because of how things have changed. He has even lost a best friend over how busy things have gotten & he's told me how at work he has found someone who is a female version of him, they have the same sense of humour and she's a girl. He doesn't hide anything from me & has told me this new work friend has occupied him from being sad over losing this other really close friend. I've even met this girl. Lately he's just tagging her in a lot of things on Facebook & it made me upset seeing that he would barely do it with me. To me I enjoy seeing something from him because it makes me smile & makes me feel like he's thinking of me. To him that sort of stuff doesn't cross his mind. I had liked his tag of this friend & it made him really angry. I shouldn't have done it, it was childish but I did get jealous. He called me psychotic & went ahead & insulted me by calling me a jealous loser & pathetic. He said he needs to intentionally hurt me for me to understand. I don't know if I love too hard and am just caught up in trying to feel wanted by him but lately he's just said a lot of hurtful things that have put me down. I don't intentionally want him to get angry, I've just wanted him to understand my point of view with things. He's had moments where he's said he's a pathetic boyfriend (I've never agreed despite everything) but then he calls me useless. He lost his job for 5 months & out of my own will I'd help him pay for bills & buy him food. I feel like I can't talk to him about how I feel without being calm because he resorts to anger & yelling at me. I've told my friends & they think he's toxic. I still can't help to think I am just to blame. He said I'll never change, I don't even know what I'm doing wrong. I thought being in a relationship was about sharing with one another, communicating & making each other feel loved among other things. He tells me I ruin everything, my friends know he is & they think he's arrogant. I guess I need outside opinions on what I should do