Knowing better than Doctors


Can we stop the entire trend on here of people telling other to go off of their medications??

I'm sorry but going on or off any medication without your doctor's approval and guidance can have really severe consequences. Just because you have our own reservations about mental health medication doesn't mean you know better than someone who spent years and thousands of dollars on intense schooling and training in the field of psychology. It doesn't matter if you believe that the medication is a government conspiracy or poison or something else, unless you are literally that persons doctor you have no business pushing your opinion on them and possibly harming that person.

If you're currently on medication and you see a comment on a post saying you should stop taking what you've been prescribed please please please talk to your doctor if you're considering getting off.

I apologize for the rant but I'm so sick of people giving out this horrible advice to people and I don't want anyone to end up hurt or in danger because someone on an app thought they knew better.