Body dysmorphia in pregnancy


I've gotten past the hardest part of my body dysmorphia, I've accepted and embraced my body for all of its perks and flaws. Now that my body is changing, I'm embracing my little bump that is growing. What I'm struggling with is people's harsh comments regarding my diet

. I'm slowly reintroducing my healthy diet, but I still get sick (I'm only 13w2d), and certain foods are better for the nausea than others. Of course these are carby foods that i honestly rarely touched before my pregnancy. I've had coworkers literally harass me saying I'm going to get fat and that I should be snacking healthier. Easier said than done, no? For once in my life, I don't think of what people think before I eat, or what it'll do to my body... but this is the first time people have noticed and made comments. I've struggled with this my whole life, and despite my ability to move past, I'm realizing that my trigger is still very real. I'm excited for this baby, for the belly I'll be growing and all of the imperfections it will carry. I just don't want to slip into my flaws and allow other people to influence this experience.