34yo, TTC 18mo​​We stopped using protection about 18 months ago

34yo, TTC 18mo
We stopped using protection about 18 months ago. My periods were extremely irregular and I didn't have any symptoms of ovulation. My OB/GYN suspected I have PCOS. Last month she asked me to start tracking my BBT and we made a plan for the various stages of fertility treatments. I was pretty anxious about that and had plans to try a little longer the "natural" way, so mentally I wasn't expecting a BFP till next year at the earliest. Imagine my surprise. DH was fortunately here when I tested, because my heart rate skyrocketed and I had to lay on the bathroom floor. I felt scared and unprepared, while he was happily kneeling down kissing my face. Made me feel better. Now I'm to the point of just feeling, "Now what?!"
​I'm hunting for pregnancy podcasts and would be happy to hear suggestions. Thanks, and my deepest fertility wishes to all of you!