Low-Selfesteem Help

I'm tired of being so ~whatever~ looking. I get really insecure and jealous when I see all those pretty Instagram girls with their thousands of followers. They are all so thin with perfect small noses and pouty lips. I barely have 200 followers and I'm convinced it's because no one wants to look at my unattractive face. Going out can sometimes really give me anxiety. I swear even cashiers / anyone in the public thinks I'm ugly and therefore isn't friendly to me. I remember one cashier talking to me in such a bored tone, with no smile on his face, but as I turned to leave he was all chipper with the person behind me. I even deleted my Facebook bc why would anyone care about my average self?? I'm not that cool, carefree, everyone loves her, type of girl that I feel like I see everywhere. I wish I was.

I just don't know how to handle looking so 🙁 I wish I could get plastic surgery to change my nose.